after months of calling a tent, random backyards and couches my home, i'm starting to get used to having a place of my own. since high school i've spent short and long periods of my life 'houseless', so getting settled has taken some time.
i can't believe it's been a month already, October has flown by. i'm finally starting to get myself organized.. i have the time and space now to be productive and work on many ongoing projects. having internet access in my home is all too convenient, i've finally had the chance to work on my blogs, like my pride creation, the Homeless How-to.

the simple things are a luxury. having laundry facilities in my basement, having access to a shower any time i wish, and a refrigerator to keep my fresh food in! it's nice to have a kitchen again.. not that i didn't enjoy my lovely little camp stove and a food sac.
one of the biggest reasons i have decided to settle is the need for a quiet place to study. permaculture piqued my interests a couple years ago, but since my last journey to the east coast, i have been more excited than ever to get started on a permaculture garden patch. my text books arrived in the mail last week, i will be learning about forest ecology and mimicry to eventually establish my very own food forest.
i'm looking forward to the winter, especially enjoying having a nice warm space to hibernate. there is still much work to be done setting things up and sorting stuff out, which i don't really see as a chore anymore. it's fun! this is the adventure now...
aum sweet home <3
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