Saturday, April 27, 2013

i can do this..

i can make it a habit to write. i'm just taking a break from cleaning and packing.. and enjoying the spring breeze and sunrays coming through the window. still don't know when exactly i'm moving, but i hope it's before i leave for Arkansas so i can get the garden started at least. we went out for a stroll in the downtown core last night to check out the scenes and peek around at the In the Soil art festival to take our minds off the stresses of everything happening at once.

what else.. oh yeah, i turned 28 a few days ago.. i'd have to say it was a pretty good birthday. i feel like i accomplished a lot since the last one, like i've changed as a person for the better. learned some lessons that will keep with me for a long time to come, and i am grateful.

i have learned a thing or two about self confidence, and gained the motivation i needed to take better care of myself. since january i have been focusing on my overall health and expanding on skills and knowledge. not to mention networking, i went from having no place to garden this year to having so many places to choose from i could visit a different one each day of the week.

also, i've managed to settle down into a pretty cushy position in my job, i love the schedule.. it's the shift i have been waiting years for, ever since i started working full time.finally i'll be able to enjoy my evenings and weekends and work out a routine like a 'normal' person, and plan ahead for mini adventures.

..and now that we're finally getting some sun, i'm taking breaks from packing and cleaning to soak it up. i'll be hitting up my papa's house tomorrow for further birthday celebrations, and the weather is supposed to be amazing. and i get to introduce matt to my parents.. even though we've been living together forever we finally started dating. it's hard these days to find someone you can trust, his presence in my life has been a blessing..

2013 is going to be a good year. it already is.. so much freshness. well i've got so much to do, and more sun to soak up.. so imma head outta the interwebs. i'm attempting to use thins thing as a way to keep track of myself and what i've been up to and how i grow, so here's hoping i can keep up with the habit. cheers..!

Saturday, April 13, 2013


wow.. it's been a month since i've hit this blog... well, i've been busy i suppose! getting ready to fly out to Arkansas [i won!], definitely more decisive [i'm moving!], and excited to plant some gardens!! not only do i have a bunch of different plots to help out with, i get to have my own.. the new place has a big ol' back yard, and i can do what i want to it. overjoyed..

what have i been up to? dang.. everything. i'm still on my get healthy venture, i managed to quit smoking, it's been 25 days! unbelievably, i don't want a cigarette. i'm on a mission, this is my year to get fit and kick ass, and i'm bloggin' it out right here:

hmm.. then there's the gardening.. always about the gardening. at the beginning of the year i was under the impression that i wouldn't have my own garden space, but many people had offered up their yards. now we discover that we're moving to a place with a yard and i can garden all i want... and i still get to help others too! it's gonna be a busy year.. and i'm blogging that stuff here:

what else? oh yeah, i came up with a new style of 'gardening'... similar to guerrilla gardening but not quite the same.. more like hiding food plants right out in the open. i blended my two favourite hobbies, gardening and geocaching.. and came up with gardenCaching! and i'm excited to get on it.. and yup, you guessed it, it has it's own blog too:

well that's all i got for now.. i gotta get packing! only two more weekends before we move, and i've only just begun to go through my stuff. it's the perfect rainy weekend to do so, probably a blessing in disguise that the weather has been so cold. i'll stay inside to get my chores done, and save playing outside for may. peace for now..